Nashville – S02E220 (0)
Rayna est la numéro 1 ou rien ! Rayna : Number 2 or lower is not an option. Numéro 2 ou en dessous ce n'est pas une option. Juliette…
Rayna est la numéro 1 ou rien ! Rayna : Number 2 or lower is not an option. Numéro 2 ou en dessous ce n'est pas une option. Juliette…
Hook : It's OK Swan. Not everyone gets the chance to watch their parents fall in love.C'est OK Swan. Personne n'a la chance de voir ses parents tomber amoureux. …
Olivia : It's me. I'm the thing that needs to be fixed. I'm the thing that needs to be handled. I'm the scandal. And the best way to deal with…
Mellie : I have kept this secret for 15 years. I have lost my life for 15 years. I have lived this lie for 15 years and all the while I…
Fitz : I lost my marriage. I lost my wife. What have you lost ? What have you lost ? J'ai perdu mon mariage. J'ai perdu ma femme. Qu'as-tu perdu…
Jake : You're a mouse Cyrus. A mouse on a wheel thinking truly, believing that if I just run a little bit faster that I'll get the cheese. You are…
Huck : You should've never given me someone to love. Monsters eat people, Liv. It's what we do. Tu n'aurais pas dû me donner quelqu'un à aimer. Les monstres mangent…
Meredith : Looking back, it's easy to see when a mistake has been made... to regret a choice that seemed like a decent idea at the time, but if we…
Fitz : You are not resigning. I refuse to accept your resignation. You can't leave me. I'm not losing you again. Tu ne démissionnes pas. Je refuse ta démission. Tu…
Juliette : I may just have burnt the house down, but I made damn sure you were in it when I lit the match.J'aurais pu réduire en cendres la maison,…