désespérée…0 (0)
Monica: (Entering from her bedroom) How desperate am I? Rachel: Oh! Good thing Chandler’s not here, he always wins at this game. VF: Monica: [sortant de sa chambre] A quel…
hurley le sens pratique…0 (0)
SUN: Hurley, this is ridiculous. Waiting here for... the dog did not eat my ring. HURLEY: Dude, dogs will eat anything. When I was a kid, my dog, Buster --…
docteur Mcdreamy et son interne…0 (0)
DOCTEUR MCDREAMY et son interne …
les enfants…0 (0)
Lynette: Do you know what psychological warfare is? sais-tu ce que veut dire guerre psychologique?Porter Scavo: No? Lynette: Too bad for you. …
sorcières en réplique…0 (0)
trois charmantes sorcieres,une saison 5 puis des repliques tordantes...+des photos splendides ----------------PIPER: Well, stop it because it's pissing me off. I'm pregnant, not terminal. So, what-what is he doing here?(5.05)bon,arretez…
rimes et vengeance…0 (0)
Christian Troy: Ever notice how "monogamy" rhymes with "monotony"? je n'avais jamais remarque que "monogamie' rime avec 'momotinie" Quentin Costa: [after Julia has just fired him] You're a bitch. …
kitty, schotzie…et Red0 (0)
KITTY: Who wants the last piece of salami? qui veut la derniere tranche de salami? RED: I'll…